Sunday, April 6, 2008

Cent and Catie!

Omy and I are proud and very happy to announce that our daughter, Catie is engaged to a fine young man. His name is Centurion Wood (we call him Cent). Here is a photo of the couple taken the weekend he popped the question.

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Jacquie Lawson e-cards

Even some pets have a blog, so why not me?

More and more we live our lives in the ether. It is easy to be the armchair expert when we need less and less to look our audience in the eye.

Last semester I took a "teaching and learning with technology" class and I started to become familiar with the great ether in a more usable way. so I decided to try it out.

But there are so many places to go and I must use my time wisely. Entertainment has never been so easy or more time consuming.